29 Eylül 2007 Cumartesi

Free E-Books for Subscribers. All are Sold on Ebay for Money!!!

Dear All,

From now on, I will be sharing my E-book archive with those who subscribe to my blog. You can choose any one of the E-books from list if you subscribe to my blog. Below are a few examples of E-books I will be throwing to the subscribers e-mails. All of these E-books are sold for cash on Ebay. Please go on to Ebay and type in some of these E-books in the search, you will be amazed with the result!!! All of these books will make you some pocket money!!!

So, hurry up and subscribe to my Blog to obtain one of these E-books. Fully Resell Rights Included.

  • HYBRID CARS: The Whole Truth Revealed
  • How to Set-Up a Family Budget
  • 101 Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score
  • A Beginners Guide To Outsourcing
  • Fast Selling Software
  • 101 Tips for Selling Your Home
  • How To Boost Your Metabolism
  • Protect Yourself From Identity Theft
  • Bum Marketing - Make Money With Internet Marketing
  • How To Make Your Own Perfume
  • 101 Tips for Avoiding Procrastination
  • 7 Days To Easy Money

And Hundreds of More I sell on Ebay!!!

27 Eylül 2007 Perşembe

Top 10 Ebay Selling Secrets

The Ebay explosion has hit astronomical proportions. From all area of life, many people is drawn to Ebay. Some people use Ebay as a hobby to make extra cash. Some people have quit their jobs and are making their living off Ebay. On a monthly basis, the phenomenon of Ebay continues to expand and spread over

Naturally, the best advice is to start selling part time on Ebay so that you can learn the tricks and secrets.There are many inside secrets that the top sellers know. However, I intend to teach you some tricks before you go on to sell on Ebay.

Ebay will take some work and is not a get rich quick scheme. However, if you spend your time and do research, you could make extra income for yourself and your family. After you start to make money on a consistent basis, you might consider doing Ebay as your full time job.

For your Ebay business, all you need is internet access and a product to sell. Don t worry! If you don t have a product, there are plenty of companies offer you to buy the products in wholesale to sell on Ebay.

Many people start off selling old or odd items from their homes. Others are going to car boot sales and picking up great deals and then selling these products on Ebay. You can find almost anything on Ebay. You are only restricted by your own imagination and also by some Ebay rules which prevent sellers to sell some certain types of products and conterfreit items.

Here is a little tip: Other's people junk can be your gold mine! That old Barbie doll up in the attic or in the basement could be a gold mine and bring in a huge profit. For example, it is reported that the Collectibles Category is the top selling category on Ebay. An old barbie doll, old stamp and old wrist watch are only a few examples of items in the Collectibles Category.

Top 10 Selling Secrets on Ebay

To be Continue....


E-Books Sold on Ebay

Hi Again!!!!

You will find in my blog that I will be giving out free E-books which have been actually purchased by me through Ebay!!! Yes actually they are sold for some cash on Ebay as you can see from the link below;


However, I will give them for free!!!!!

All you need to do is to send me an e-mail and claim for your FREE E-BOOK!!!!!!

First give out will be an e-book which is sold on eBay asA Beginners Guide To Outsourcing EBOOK, a beginner's guide to outsourcing E-Book, A Beginners Guide To Outsourcing Outsource Ebook!

Stay Away From Bidding Wars!!!

Hello Everyone!!!

This is going to be my first blog-post so I am rather excited. However, apart from being excited I would like to say that I am also quite happy that I will have chance to share my knowledge of selling and buying on Ebay.

I would like to begin with the common mistakes made by Ebayers during the bidding process. One of the most common bidding mistake is pre-mature bidding on an item. Most users see an item with no bids and try to claim it for themselves by being the first Ebayer to bid on it. Most users on ebay, I call them here Ebayers, are more likely to bid on an active item than one that has yet to be bid on. When a second ebayer starts to bid higher on the item, the price will begin to increase rapidly. This is known as a bidding battle or bidding fight.
While being really profitable for the seller, a bidding battle rises up the price for no reason. If you're ever pulled into a bidding war, never let your emotions control your judgement; people become really obsessed about beating the other bidders that they end up paying much more than the real market price instead of bidding on a different auction.

Try to avoid bidding on any items where bidding wars are taking place. If the item happens to be rare, and there are no other close alternatives, then keep a close eye on the item, and try to snipe the auction.Make sure that you never participate in a bidding battle, and consider moving to a different ebay auction if the item you're looking at has a long list of previous bids.